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摩德纳巴萨米克香醋 (DOP和IGP认证)的酿制过程
发布时间/Release time:2014-12-09        浏览次数/Views:2893        返回列表/Backlist
摩德纳巴萨米克香醋 (DOP和IGP认证)的酿制过程

摩德纳传统巴萨米克香醋得益于摩德纳周围特别的气候与环境,采用本地特色葡萄品种酿制而成,富有经验的酿造师悉心将葡萄汁煮熟,每年小心谨慎地为香醋更换酿制的木桶。葡萄捣碎发酵之前,需要先将葡萄汁在常压下敞口大桶内煮熟,将汁液蒸发30%到50%(取决于桶内葡萄汁的状态) 更多优质货源请访问中国进出口网
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The Balsamic Vinegar of Modena DOP – IGP
Traditional Modena Balsamic Vinegar is the outcome of the specific environmental conditions in the area surrounding Modena and the types of grapes grown there, together with the skilful cooking of the must used and the loving care taken every year when the vinegar is transferred from barrel to barrel. After the grapes are crushed and before fermentation begins, the must is cooked in open vats, at atmospheric pressure,to a concentration of from 30 to 50% (depending on how it is to be used within the system of barrels).
After lengthy decantation, the cooked must naturally starts both to ferment and to undergo acetic bioxidation by yeasts and acetobacteria. This is followed by the maturing stage, of vital importance for the formation of the unique fragrances of Balsamic Vinegar. Finally comes the ageing stage, during, which the vinegar’s characteristics reach true perfection.
The three stages take place in a series of barrels of different woods (generally oak, chestnut, mulberry, cherry and juniper) and decreasing size, varying from 75/100 litres to 10/15 litres in capacity. Each type of wood gives the vinegar a specific characteristic: tannin-rich chestnut darkens its colour, mulberry concentrates it more quickly, juniper gives a resinous tag and cherry sweetens its flavour, while oak, the finest wood for mature vinegar, will give a distinctive vanilla fragrance.
The difference in capacity between the barrels is calculated to allow the annual transfer process to take place. The level of vinegar in each barrel is topped up using vinegar from the barrel immediately before it in the series, to compensate for the finished vinegar taken for use and the annual evaporation loss. These operations require skill and a sensitivity to the product’s natural evolution, to ensure it will continue to give the very best results over centuries to come.